Here’s what you’ll need for your essential cyberpunk starter pack:
- A shoulder bag overflowing with goodies: This includes a torque wrench, lineman’s handset, electronic lock pick, shotgun mike, and the Demon Dialer (whatever that is).
- A Sony Pyxis: This nifty gadget helps you find your longitude and latitude via satellite. GPS? Never heard of her.
- A stun gun: For self-defence (and offence, if you feel feisty).
- A private eye: Not a real detective, mind you, but a device to keep you online 24/7.
- A pager: Who wants to answer their phone like a ”normal person”?
- A combination briefcase: Fanny packs weren’t cool enough for cyberpunks.
- A selection of reading materials, Including back issues of Mondo 2000, a magazine for all things cyberpunk.
- A Sony Multimedia CD-ROM Player: Who can resist a pirated copy of Virtual Light?
- A cellular phone with a scrambler: Because talking in public is too mainstream.
- A voice changer: So you can sound like, well, anyone!